Creature Yoga - Bess Prescott
1. How long have you lived in Byron Bay?

Approaching 8 years now! 
2. What brought you here?

opportunity to open a yoga studio at The Farm in back in April 2015. My sister was already living in Lennox so I had been wanting to move up for a while. 
3. Where did your love of yoga begin?

My dad taught me Crow Pose when I was 6 or 7, and my mum was doing a lot of yoga in the 70s - my regular practice began from a Louise Sears DVD she had in the cupboard when I was 14.

4. Why did you choose byron as the birthing place for Creature yoga?

opportunity to open a studio at The Farm felt like a good one, so I moved up from Sydney to start there - then I met Tahl and we decided to do the studio together. We had some council issues so moved from The Farm and opened Creature in a little garage space in the Industrial, and we've grown with our students from there. 

5. What is the most challenging part about operating a yoga studio in Byron Bay?

Byron has a relatively small population compared to the city, so we need to be able to work with fluctuating numbers, especially through winter. Our online platform has been very helpful in providing a more consistent income, so that we can keep the studio open for the community without financial stress. 

6. Besides yoga, what is your favourite pastime in Byron?

Walking the lighthouse and watching the whales, then jumping in the ocean! Simple things that bring so much joy.

7. Byron is abundant with beautiful hinterland and beaches, do you ever practice or teach outside? If yes, where?

We prefer to keep the sana practice in the studio - the fantasy of beach yoga doesn't live up to the reality of unstable sand when you're trying to hold a balancing pose! But it's a lovely meditation to sit on the beach and watch the swell of the ocean. 
8. Creature offers many teacher training courses, why do you think studying yoga in Byron is so wonderful?

It's a wonderful chance to step out of the city, or away from your normal life, and be surrounded by nature while immersing yourself in practice. Nature is the best teacher: you can learn everything you need to know about life by watching the sea eagle mama who nests near Captain Cooks at the top of the pines. There aren't many places in the world that match Byron for natural beauty - and natural beauty is the ultimate source of inspiration. And if you can't make it to Byron, our online platform can bring a little bit of Byron to you.

9. What do you think makes Byron such a unique and richly cultural community?

People from all over the world are attracted to Byron by the peace, space, and beauty of nature here. Humans who value those things tend to be open minded, creative, friendly and relaxed. 
10. In the time you have lived in Byron, has it changed much, and if so, how?

Yes! It
's a lot busier, and a lot wealthier. Airbnb has really changed the town over the 8 years I have lived here. Fewer long term rentals means rents have skyrocketed and normal people and students can't afford to live here anymore. I'm looking forward to the proposed cap on holiday letting being implemented so that properties return to the rental market, and Byron can have the beautiful balance of residents and tourists that has always created so much magic here.